P-05-798 Male domestic violence victim support services to be independently run & funded


This petition was submitted by Tom Embling having collected 138 signatures online.


Text of Petition

Male domestic violence victim support services to be independently run & funded separately from Women's Aid Cymru & all associated.


The cross-government definition of domestic violence and abuse is: "Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality."


Domestic Abuse can effect anyone. With more Male victims/survivors seeking help, advise, support & safety than ever before. It is important that Male victims deserve independent support & funding from such gender bias groups as Women's Aid Cymru & all associated.

Male victims/survivors deserve support/help specific to their needs, while still maintaining their dignity, & providing them and their children safety equal & parallel to that which women currently receive.


Additional Information

Current Domestic Abuse statistics across Wales & England, indicate that Domestic Abuse will affect 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men in their lifetime.


Domestic Abuse/Violence is a problem that can effect anyone so surely it should be:

"Putting people & their children first."


There is no greater gap in availability of services & support just based on someone's gender across Wales & UK.

Attitudes need to change because no person (& their children) should continue so publically & shamefully be denied safety & support because of their gender in Wales, in this day & age.


Please support this to help support others.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Bridgend

·         South Wales West